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About Us

Welcome to the Neary Educational Center, where every child finds a place to grow, thrive, and succeed. We ensure every student has multiple opportunities to shine and feel a sense of belonging.

Our diverse programs, curriculum, focus on social-emotional learning, and use of technology create an engaging and dynamic learning environment. We empower students to collaborate, think critically, and solve real-world problems, while addressing varied learning styles and needs through individualized and adaptive approaches.

The NEC is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment for every student. We focus on meaningful connections fostered through mentorship, collaborative projects, supportive professional interactions, and multiple opportunities for growth.

We believe in creating a learning environment that works for ALL students by recognizing and addressing their individual needs, learning styles, and strengths.

Address & Phone

Nearly Education Center
20 George Street
Haverstraw, NY 10927
Phone: (845)942-7525
Fax:     (845)942-7549

School Hours